음식물쓰레기를 이용한 젖산 생산의 최적화

Optimization of Lactic Acid Production from Kitchen Refuses

  • 이백석 (인하대학교 공과대학 생물공학과) ;
  • 윤현희 (경원대학교 화학공학과) ;
  • 김은기 (인하대학교 공과대학 생물공학과)
  • 발행 : 2001.04.01


Statistical experimental design methods were employed to select the cultivation factors influencing latic acid production during the fermentation of kitchen refuses. Working volume and pH swings were identified as the main factors affecting lactic acid production. Optimum pH swing was pH 7.8 and working volume was 125 mL in a 250 mL flask. Under optimum condition, lactic acid was produced at 21.8 g/L, which was 6.2 times higher than produced during uncontrolled fermentation.



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