더운환경에서의 냉각조끼의 착용효과에 관한 연구

Effectiveness of Cooling Vest in Hot Environment

  • 발행 : 2001.01.01


Cooling garments are being considered for reducing heat strain in hot environment. We evaluated the effectiveness of ice gel-based cooling vest in hot environment both resting and exercising. Four male subjects were exposed to heat(4$0^{\circ}C$, 50%RH) with vest or without it. The results were as follows; In case of the trial wearing ice gel-based cooling vest, total body weight loss, and local sweat volume were less than those without it. Mean skin temperature, rectal temperature, pulse, energy expenditure, temperature of inside clothes, and humidity of inside also were lower than those without cooling vest. By subjective thermal sensation, subjective humidity sensation, and thermal comfort sensation, it was proved that non-wearing vest decreased comfort than wearing that. These results suggested that wearing ice gel-based cooling vest reduced human heat strain in hot environment both resting and exercising.



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