서울 도심 $H_2O_2$농도와 분포특성

Characteristics of Distribution and Concentrations of Hydrogen Peroxide in Seoul Metropolitan Area

  • 강충민 (건국대학교 환경공학과) ;
  • 김희강 (건국대학교 환경공학과)
  • 발행 : 2001.01.01


Ambient ge-phase $H_2O$$_2$(Hydrogen Peroxide) concentrations were measured at four sites in downtown Seoul Korea. These measurements were mad during winter and summer, February 14~19 and 12~17, 1997. $H_2O$$_2$concentrations were quantified by fluorescence using enzyms. $H_2O$$_2$ concentrations in winter were below the limit of detection and was much higher concentrations in summer. The mean of all observations was 264 ppt and the range measured was 23ppt~1856ppt. The results from the correlation analysis showed that the concentration of gasous $H_2O$$_2$is dependent on the other air pollutants(O$_3$, NO$_2$) and meteorological parameter(solar radiation).



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