This study attempts to present a new interpretation of the Jeju province Waga, authorized as Jeju province Folklore, in the context of lifestyles of residents distinctive in the Jungji, Chatbang, and Gopang system. Study results uncovered that (1) only one Jungji, a traditional house kitchen, exists in one house boundary, in the form of detached building in the 4 units of Gaok (K-2 Gaok, K-3 Gaok, C-1 Gaok, and C-2 Gaok) (2) Chatbang had multifaced-functions; as a place for diet for mistress and children, a place for preparing meals for a mister who diet in the room, and as an auxiliary meal-preparation facility in time of domestic celebration day. (3) Gopang was mostly a place for grain storage, and K-3 Gaok has one unit, K-1 Gaok, C-1 Gaok, and C-2 Gaok had 2 units, and K-2 Gaok and H Gaok had 3 untis of Gopang. (4) Jungji and Chatbang were correlated for meal preparation and diet while activity-line of flow was divided each other. (5) Jungji and Gopang were located at the opposite edges of of each house, revealing no consideration of indoor activities. (6) The ratios of space of Jungji, Chatbang and Gopang out of the whole house space were, average 23% in the case of Jungji located in the inner house, and average 37% in the case of Jingji located in the detached building, average 14% larger in the case of detached Jungji system.