농촌가정 자녀들의 방과후 활동에 대한 연구

After-school activities of rural children

  • 옥경희 (광주대학교 사회복지학과) ;
  • 김미해 (구미 제1대학 유아교육과) ;
  • 천희영 (고신대학교 아동학과)
  • 발행 : 2001.08.01


After-school activities were examined for 449 rural children in first through seventh grades. Childrens engagement of after-school activities were significantly different by child and family characteristics, especially childrens age and behavior control ability. Findings showed a decline in amount of time spent studying and reading and a raise in going to a game-room. Childrens school achievement, emotional and social development were also differed by a range of after-school activities. Children spent more time in studying and reading showed higher grades, happiness, school life. Teachers reported greater aggressive behavior and less adjustment of school life among children participating more in game related activities and hanging out. Watching TV, doing house chores and visiting friends were not variables which showed different outcomes.



  1. 경기교육 v.139 방과후 활동을 위한 제언 강태중
  2. 한국농업교육학회지 v.32 초ㆍ중ㆍ고의 방과후 활동 문제점과 개선방안에 관한 연구 권일남
  3. 교사용 유아 정서지능 평정척도 개발에 관한 연구 김경희
  4. 고신대학교 아동연구 v.5 아동의 생활시간 구조에 관한 연구 김선희
  5. 한국가정관리학회지 v.17 no.1 아동의 행동문제와 관련변인간의 인과관계 김선희;김경연
  6. 명지대 리서치아카데미논총 v.2 청소년의 방과후 활동실태에 관한 연구 오치선;권일남
  7. 교육진흥 v.36 초등학교 방과후 활동의 필요성과 대책 전하찬
  8. 학령기 아동의 자기보호실태 조사연구 한명희
  9. 1996년도 한국아동학회 추계학술대회 논문집 사회정서발달 진단과 지도방법 홍준표
  10. Child Development v.67 Parental psychological control: Revisition a neglected construct Barber, B. K.
  11. Child Development v.65 Associations between parental psychological and behavioral control and youth internalized and externalized behaviors Barber, B. K.;Olson, J. E.;Shagle, S. C.
  12. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly v.43 Varieties of self-care: A qualitative look at children's experiences in the after school hours Bell, D.
  13. Journal of Marriage and the Family v.59 What did you do today? Children's use of time, family composion, and acquisition of social capital Bianchi, S. M.;Robinson, J.
  14. Child Development v.66 Temperamental origins of child and adolescent behavior problems: From age three to age fifteen Caspi, A.;Henry, B.;McGee, R. O.;Moffitt, T. E.;Silva, P. A.
  15. Child Development v.70 Conditions underlying parents' knowledge about children's daily lives in middle childhood: Betwwen- and within- family comparisons Crouter, A. C.;Helms-Erikson, H.;Updegraff, K.;McHale, S. M.
  16. Developmental Psychology v.26 Parental monitoring and perceptions of children's school performance and conduct in dual-earner and single-earner families Crouter, A. C.;MacDermid, S. M.;McHale, S. M.;Perry-Jenkins, M.
  17. Psychological Bulletin v.86 Sex differences in childhood psychopathology: A review Eme, R. E.
  18. Developmental Psychology v.25 Psychophysiological correlates of emotional reactivity during the first year of life Fox, N. A.
  19. Child Development v.66 Time use and mathematics Achievement among American, Chinese and Japanese High School Students Fuligni, A. J.;Stevenson, H. W.
  20. Employed mothers and their children Children in self-care; figures facts, and fiction Galambos, N. L.;Maggs, J.;J. V. Lerner(ed.);N. L. Galambos(ed.)
  21. The development of social maturity Education and the acquisition of psychosocial maturity Greenberger, E.;d. McClelland(eds.)
  22. Elementary School Guidance and Counseling v.25 A survey of self-supports and social supports of self-care children Guerney, L.
  23. Child Development v.35 How young children spend their time: Television and other activities Huston, A. C.;Wright, J. C.;Marquis, J.;Green, S. B.
  24. Developmental Psychology v.26 The development of television viewing patterns in darly childhood: A longitudinal investigation Huston, A. C.;Wright, J. C.;Rice, M. L.;Kerkman, D.;St. Peters, M.
  25. Developmental Psychology v.36 What parents know, how they know it, and several forms of adolescent adjustment: Further support for a reinterpretation of monitoring Kerr, M.;Stattin, H.
  26. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology v.19 The social ecology of school-age child care Laird, R. D.;Pettit, G. S.;Dodge, K. A.;Bates, J. E.
  27. Journal of Youth and Adolescence v.18 Introduction: The changing life space of early adolescence Larson, R.;Richards, M. H.
  28. Child Development v.62 Daily companionship in late childhood and early adolescence: Changing developmental contexts Larson, R.;Richards, M. H.
  29. Latchkey children: The child's view of self-care Long, T. J.;Long, L.
  30. The psychology of sex differences Maccoby, E. E.;Jacklin, C. N.
  31. Sex Roles v.22 Sex differences in children's time use Mauldin, T.;Meeks, C. B.
  32. Journal of personality and Social Psychology v.54 The nature of adolescent competencies predicted by preschool delay of gratification Mischel, W.;Shoda, Y.;Peake, P. K.
  33. Journal of Applied Development Psychology v.12 Income level, gender, ethnicity, and household composition as predictors of children's peer companionship outside of school Patterson, C.;Vaden, N.;Griesler, P.;Kupersmidt, J.
  34. Child Development v.55 The correlation of family management practices and delinquency Patterson, G. R.;Stouthamer-Loeber, M.
  35. Child Development v.68 Supportive parenting, ecological context, and children's adjustment: A seven-year longitudinal study Pettit, G. S.;Bates, J. E.;Dodge, K. A.
  36. Child Development v.70 The impact of after-school peer contact on early adolescent externalizing problems is moderated by parental monitoring , perceived neighborhood safety and prior adjustment Pettit, G. S.;Bates, J. E.;Dodge, K. A.;Meece, D. W.
  37. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly v.43 Patterns of after-school care in middle childhood: Risk factors and developmental outcomes Pettit, G. S.;Laird, R. D.;Bates, J. E.;Dodge, K. A.
  38. Child Development v.65 Low-income children's after school care: Are there beneficial effects of after-school programs Posner, J. K.;Vandell, D. L.
  39. Developmental Psychology v.35 After-school activities and the development of low-income urban children: A longitudinal study Posner, J. K.;Vandell, D. L.
  40. Child Development v.65 The relationship of maternal employment in early adolescent daily experience with and without parents Richards, M. H.;Duckett, E.
  41. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly v.40 Temperament and social behavior in childhood Rothbart, M. K.;Ahadi, S. A.;Hershey, K. L.
  42. Developmental Psychology v.26 Predicting adolescent cognitive and self-regulatory competencies from preschool delay of gratification: Identifying diagnostic conditions Shoda, Y.;Mischel, W.;Peake, P. K.
  43. Child Development v.71 Parental monitoring; A reinterpretation Stattin, H.;Kerr, M.
  44. Developmental Psychology v.22 Latchkey children and susceptibility to peer pressure: An ecological analysis Steinberg, L.
  45. Child Development v.63 Impact of parenting practives on adolescent achievement: Authoritative parenting, school involvement, and encouragement to succeed Steinberg, L.;Lamborn, S. D.;Dornbush, S. M.;Darling, N.
  46. Social Science Quarterly v.78 Language usage, social capital, and school completion among immigrants and native-born ethnic groups White, M. J.;Kaufman, G.
  47. Child Development v.60 Authoritative parenting, psychological maturity and academic success among adolescents Steinberg, L.;Elmen, J. D.;Mounts, N. S.