웹사이트에 나타난 디지털 라이프의 특성 분석

An analysis on the characteristics of digital life reflected in web sites

  • 조명은 (연세대 주거환경학과 BK21 Post-doc) ;
  • 김현경 (연세대 주거환경학과) ;
  • 이현수 (연세대 주거환경학과)
  • 발행 : 2001.05.01


The purpose of this study is to analysis web sites which relate to housing environment on Internet and to suggest guidelines which are needed in digital life. Data are in 53 web sites searched by housing environmental word such as people, living, town and so on. The web sites are analyzed by key words. The results of this study were as follow: The web sites are divided into e-housing community, e-housing management, e-housing workplace and e-housing design. These are the digital life of new type. E-housing community sitess key words are 3D virtual world, chatting, information, service, community etc. E-housing community is related to making new wired community cross time and space. E-housing management sitess key words are guard management, apartment management, building management etc. E-housing management sites provide the useful information of housing management. E-housing workplace sitess key words are virtual office. conference etc. E-housing workplace sites enable us to work in cyberspace. E-housing design sitess key words are design, interior, furniture etc. E-housing design sites provide marketing, consulting and designing in relation to the house. The web life style on cyberspace is common and makes many changes happen in house life and environment.



  1. Mastering Virtual Teams Deborah L. Duarte;Nancy Tennant Snyde
  2. Composing Cyberspace Richard Holeton
  3. Virtual Realism Michael Heim
  4. City of Bits William J. Mitchell
  5. 가상현실의 철학적 이해 Michael Heim
  6. The Wired Neighborhood Stephen Doheny-Farina
  7. The Virtual Workplace Magid Lgbaria;Magaret Tan
  8. Business @ the speed of thought William H. Gates
  9. 주거학개설 윤정숙(외 2명)
  10. 사이보그,사이버컬쳐 홍성태
  11. 한국주거학회지 v.9 no.1 제도관리에 따른 공동주택 거주자의 관리만족 홍선경;윤복자
  12. 한국주거학회지 v.7 no.2 공동주택 생활관리 만족 및 요구에 대한 연구 홍형옥;은난순
  13. 공동주택의 효울적 관리방안 국토개발연구원
  14. 한국실내디자인학회지 no.14 사무실 근로자의 홈오피스 디자인 특성에 관한 선호조사 연구 하미경(외)