- Proc. of Structural Engineers World Congress Study on the effects of the characteristics of a soil layer on the seismic response of a high-rise building Kim, Y. S.
- Tentative Provisions for the Development of Seismic Regulations for Buildings Applied Technology Council(ATC)
- Dynamic Response of Structures on Pile Foundations Kim, Y. S.
- Uniform Building Code(UBC) International Conference of Buildings Officials
- A review of soil-structure interaction Roesset, J. M.
- J. of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea v.4 no.1 Study on the seismic response spectra of a structure built on the deep soil layers classified in UBC-97 Kim, Y. S.
- J. of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea v.4 no.3 Effects of nonlinear soil characteristics on the dynamic stiffnesses of a foundation-soil system excited with the horizontal motion Kim, Y. S.
- Geotechnical Engineering Dissertation GD89-1 Structural response and design spectra for the 1985 mexico city earthquake Felipe, T.
- Pro. of the 5th Canadian Earthquake Engineering Conference Specification of control motions for embedded foundations Roesset, J. M.;Kim, Y. S.
- Earthquake Engineering Robert L. W.