- ATC Report 21 Rapid visual screening of buildings for potential seismic hazards handbook(FEMA154) Applied Technology Council
- Report ATC-14 Evaluating the seismic resistance of existing buildings Applied Technology Council
- NEHRP Handbook for the Seismic Evaluation of Existing Buildings(FEMA-178) BSSC
- ATC-43 Report FEMA 306 evaluation of earthquake damaged concrete and masonry wall buildings; basic procedures manual(FEMA 306) Applied Technology Council
- 기존 철골조건축물의 내진진단기준/개수설계지침 해설
- ATC-40 Report v.1,2 Seismic evaluation and retrofit of concrete buildings Applied Technology Council
- Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering v.12 Fuzzy pattern recognition model for diagnostic cracks in RC structures Chao, C. J.;Cheng, F. R.
- 대한건축학회논문집 v.13 no.12 퍼지의사결정에 의한 구조물의 최적화 모재근;강문명
- Journal of Structural Engineering v.125 no.5 Automated multicriterion building damage assement from seismic data Revadigar, S.;Mau, S. T.
- Fuzzy Sets, Uncertainty, and Information Kir, G. J.;Folger, T. A.
- Fuzzy Logic Toolbox User's Guide for Use with MATLAB TheMAthWorks Inc.