- Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction Wolf, J. P.
- Bull. of Seis. Soc. of America v.72 no.4 Effect on surface topography on the deffraction of P, SV, and Rayleigh wavess Wong, H. L.
- Bull. of Seis. Soc. of America v.75 no.5 Diffraction of elastic waves wedges Sanchez-Sesma, F. J.
- Bull. of Seis. Soc. of America v.75 no.1 Diffraction of elastic waves in a half-space Ⅱ: analytical and numerical solutions Wong, K. C.;Shah, A. H.;Datta, S. K.
- J. of Eng. Mech. v.101 Dynamic analysis footings on layered media Kausel, E.;Roesset, J. M.;Wass, G.
- Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng. v.11 DIffraction and fraction of surface wave using finite and infinite elements Bettess, P.;Zienkiewicz, O. C.
- Boundary Element Methods in Engineering Science Banerjee, P. K.;Butterfied, R.
- Elastodynamic Linear Theory Eringen, A. C.;Suhubi, E. S.
- Earthquake Eng. and Struct. Dyna. v.22 An indirect boundary element method applied to simulate the seismic response of alluvial valleyls for incidents P.S, and Rayleigh waves Sanchez-Sesma, F. J.;Ramos-Martinez, J.;Capillo. M.