남사천 하류지역 홍수피해 분석

The Analysis for Flood Damage on Nam-sa Down Stream Region

  • 김가현 (경남정보대학 토목환경과) ;
  • 이영대 (부경대학교 토목공학과) ;
  • 서진호 (경남정보대 산학협동위원) ;
  • 민일규 (경남정보대학 토목환경과 겸임교수)
  • 발행 : 2001.06.01


Where no records are available at a site, a preliminary estimate may be made from relations between floods and catchment chatacteristics. A number of these chatacteristics were chosen for testing and were measured for those catchments where mean annual flood estimates were available. Although the improvement using extended data in regression of flood estimates on catchment characteristics was small, this may be due to the limitations of the regression model. When an individual short term record is to be extended, more detailed attention can be given; an example is presented of the technique which should be adopted in practice, particularly when a short term record covers a period which is known to be biassed. A method of extending the peaks over a threshold series is presented with a numerical example. The extension of records directly from rainfall by means of a conceptual model is discussed, although the application of such methods is likely to be limited by lack of recording raingauge information. Methods of combining information from various sources are discussed in terms of information from catchment characteristics supplemented by records. but are generally applicable to different sources of information. The application of this technique to estimating the probable maximum flood requires more conservative assumptions about the antecedent condition, storm profile and unit hydrograph. It is suggested that the profile and catchment wetness index at the start of the design duration should be based on the assumption that the estimated maximum rainfall occurs in all durations centered on the storm peak.



  1. 낙동강수계종합개발조사 건설부
  2. 수자원개발조사년보 v.1 건설부
  3. 남사천 하류지역 홍수피해 조사분석 연구 보고서 유우수;김가현;이영대;서진호
  4. 동아논총 부산지역의 강우강도곡선에 대한 고찰 및 낙동강 유역의 DAD 해석 김희종
  5. 대한토목학회지 v.12 no.4 서울지방의 강우특성에 관한 연구 안수한;신웅배
  6. 한국건설기술연구원 연구보고서 지역별 설계강우의 시간 분포 서병하;김남원
  7. 한국수문학회지 v.28 no.5 설계강우의 시간 분포모형 적용성 연구 서진호;이상배;조홍제;민병형
  8. 대한토목학회지 v.15 no.3 국내지역별강우특성과 확률강우량산정에 관한 연구(요지) 이원환
  9. 대한토목학회지 v.12 no.4 영남지방의 강우특성연구(Ⅰ) 최영박
  10. 日本土木學會 論文集 no.59 降雨特性에 關한 三의 考察 志賀是文
  11. 應用水理學 下Ⅱ 丸善 本間仁
  12. 土木技術 no.2 排水에 對한 降雨强度算定法(3) 石黑政儀
  13. Water resources planning the Nak-tong river basin: UNDD Nak-tong river basin surveytem v.Ⅲ
  14. Hydrology for engineers(번역판) Ray K Linsiey, JR.;朴成宇(外3人)
  15. Water Supply and Waste-water Disposal Grodon Maskew Fair;John Charles Gever;Johns
  16. Applied Hydrology Ray K Linsiey, JR.
  17. Water Supply and Waste-water Disposal Gordon Maskew Fair;John Charles Geyer;Jhon Carrel Mo군