- 기상데이타 매뉴얼 Nakamura,S.;Kitamura,K.
- Encyclopedia of Meteorology Antoh,S.;Nita,T.
- 신기후학 개론 김연옥
- Kishow v.27 no.1 Rice crops and the abnormal weather in Korea Tsuboi,Y.
- 한국 기후표 기상청
The purpose of this study is to examine the property of climatological environment using the daily mean meteorological data measured at the serveral meteorological observatory for 30years(1961~1990). It was found that the distribution of discomfort index tended to mainly depend on the geographical situation in the same season. Major portions of Korea were subjected to continental except for some seaside districts. The discomfort index have a large(small) value in summer(winter) season. And there is a short interval(1 or 2 months) between summer and winter season in Korea.