Preventive Nutrition and Food Science
- Volume 6 Issue 1
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- Pages.23-28
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- 2001
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- 2287-1098(pISSN)
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- 2287-8602(eISSN)
Changes in Thermoluminescence of Mineral Separated from Irradiated Shellfish under Various Storage Conditions
- Yi, Sang-Duk (Detection Lab. of Irradiated Food, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ;
- Yang, Jae-Seung (Detection Lab. of Irradiated Food, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
- Published : 2001.03.01
A study was carried out to establish a detection method of irradiated shellfish through thermoluminescence (TL). The TL intensity of first glow curves for irradiated bloody, freshwater, and short-neck shellfish increased from control until 5 kGy and increased slightly room 5 kGy until 10 kGy. Maximum TL temperatures of all irradiated samples tested were below 23