딸기 (Fragaria ananassa Duch.) 잎 절편체 배양으로부터 부정아 형성을 통한 식물체 재생

Effect of Medium Component on Plant Regeneration via Adventitious Bud Formation from Leaf Explant Cultures of Strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch)




  1. Plant Cell Rep v.10 Plant regeneration from protoplasts of Panax ginseng (C.A. Meyer) through somatic embrygenesis Arya S;Liu JR;Eriksson T
  2. Plant Cell Tiss Org Cult v.23 Importance of myo-inositol, calcium, and ammonium for the viability and division of tomato (Lycopersion esculentum) protoplasts Bellini C;Chupeau MC;Gervais M;Vastra G;Chupeau Y
  3. Physiol Plant v.61 Effect of rigidity of gel medium on benzyladenine-induced adventitions bud formation and vitrification in vitro Picea abies Bornman CH;Vogelmann TC
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  11. Hortiscience v.21 Microcutting production from sequencial reculturing of hardydeciduous Azalea shoot tips Economou AS;Read PE
  12. J Kor Soc Hort Sci v.23 Studies on the rapid clonal propagation by means of meristem and callus cultures in strawberry Eun JS;Lee BK;Lee MS
  13. Plant Sci v.108 Shoot regeneration of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) in tissue culture using several kinds of supporting materials Ichimura K;Uchiumi T;Tsuji K;Oda M;Nagaoka M
  14. Plant Cell Tiss Org Cult v.12 The Production of strawberry plants from callus cultures Jones OP;Waller BJ;Beech MG
  15. Z Pflazenphysiol v.86 Investigation on the inhibitory effect of agar and the function of active carbon in anther culture Kohlenbach HW;Wernicke W
  16. Ann Bot v.52 Growth of carnation meristems in vitro. anatomical structure of abnormal plantlets and the effect of agar concentration in the medium on their formation Leshem B
  17. Ann Bot v.56 Vitrified Dianthus teratomata in vitro due to growth factor imblance Leshem B;Sachs T
  18. Ann Bot v.61 Cytokinin as an inducer of vitrification in melon Leshem B;Shalev DP;Izhar S
  19. Hort Sci v.23 Plant regeneration by organogenesis from strawberry leaf and runner tissue Liu ZR;Sanford JC
  20. PlantSci v.53 Plant regeneration from protoplasts of diploid potato derived from crosses of Solanum tubersum with solanum species Masson J;Lecerf M;Rousselle P;Perennec P;Pelletier G
  21. HortSci v.25 Plant regeneration from excised cotyledons of mature strawberry achenes Miller AR;Chandler CK
  22. Physiol Plant v.15 A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue culture Murashige T;Skoog F
  23. JPN Agr Res Quart v.7 Msaa prodcution method of virus free strawberry plants through meristem callus Nishi S;Oosawa K
  24. J Hort Sci v.67 High efficiency shoot regeneration from calluses of strawberry (Fragaria×ananssa Duch.) stipules of in vitro shoot cultures Rugini E;Orlando R
  25. Plant Cell Tiss Cult v.43 Culture condition for efficient induction of green plants from isolated microspores of barly Salmenkallio MM;Kurten V;Kauppinen V
  26. Plant Cell Rep v.2 Agarose planting and a bead type culture technique and stimulate development of protoplast-derived colonies in a nember of plant species Shillito RD;Paszkowshi J;Potrykus I
  27. Symp Soc Exp Biol v.11 Chemical regulation of growth and organ formation in plant tissue cultured in vitro Skoog F;Miller C
  28. J Hort Sci v.69 Anther culture of Fragaria×ananssa : Environmental factors and medium components affecting microspore divisions and callus production Svensson M;Johansson LB
  29. Plant Cell Tiss Org Cult v.3 Effect of agar concentration on growth and anatomy of adventitious shoots of Picea abies (L) Karst. von Arnold S;Eriksson T
  30. HortSci v.19 Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from immature embryos of strawberry Wang DY;Wergin WP;Zimmerman RH
  31. Plant Cell Tiss Org Cult v.11 Effect of temperature, darkness and gelling agent on long-term storage of in vitro shoot cultures of Austian woody plant species William RR;Tajim AM
  32. Plant Cell Tiss Org Cult v.2 Factors influencing the production of hardened glaucos camation plantlets in vitro Ziv M;G, Halevy AH
  33. Acta Hort v.120 Micropropagation of fruit plants Zimmerman RH