Study on Antioxidant Activities of Guibitang and its component groups

歸脾湯 및 그 構成藥物群이 抗酸化效果에 미치는 영향

Park, Seon-Dong;Park, Hyeon-Jun;Ju, Wang-Seok

  • Published : 20010000


This study was performed to research the antioxidant activities of Guibitang and its component groups. The experimental group was divided into six group: Guibitang (GB), Gamiguibitang (GA), Hyul-yak group (GB1), Gi-yak group (GB2), Ansinhaenggi-yak group (GB3) and Gami-yak group (GA1).The results were obtained as follows:In vitro All experimental groups had antioxidant activity in linoleic acid system on concentration in comparison with control group. And in DPPH radical scavenging experiment, all experimental groups had scavenging activity on concentration, especially GA1 group was higher than any others. The inhibitory effect experimental groups had inhibitory effects of superoxide generation on concentration, and the effect of Guibitang was better than Gamiguibitang. In component groups GA1 was highest and GB1 was lowest respectively. The inhibitory effect experiment on lipid peroxidation reaction in $H_2O_2 - Fe^{2+}$ system showed that each experimental groups had inhibitory effects on lipid peroxidation reaction compared with control group. And GA1 group exhibit the best inhibition effect on lipid peroxidation reaction.In vivo the amounts of lipid peroxide rat on the level of serum was reduced in comparison with control group, especially gamiguibitang. The amounts of LPO on the level of liver was also reduced compared with control group. espeially gamiguibitang, guibitang, GB1 group. In hepatic catalase activity test, all experimental groups increased catalase activity, and that of guibitang, gamiguibitang, GB1 group were evident. The amounts of hepatic glutathione of experimental group increased in comparison with control group. And that of gamiguibitang, guibitang was more significant than component group.



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