- 한국균학회지 v.22 no.2 개암버섯의 균사생장에 영향을 미치는 배양조건에 관한 연구 강안석;차동렬;홍인표;장현유;유승헌
- 한국균학회지 v.15 no.1 표고버섯 톱밥 인공재배에 관한 연구 김한경;박용환;차동열;정환채
- 농시논문집 v.30 no.3 버들송이의 균사생장 조건에 관한 연구 김한경;박정식;김양섭;차동열;박용환
- 한국균학회지 v.22 no.2 잣버섯 인공재배에 관한 연구(I)-균사체 배양조건에 관하여- 김한경;박정식;차동열;김양섭;문병주
- 한국균학회지 v.25 Pleurotus eryngii(큰느타리버섯)균의 인공재배(I) 김한경;정종천;장현유;김광포;차동열;문병주
- 한국균학회지 v.24 한국산 버섯추출물의 항진균 및 항세균 활성 검색(Ii) 민태진;김은미;유선호
- 한국균학회지 v.21 동충하초속 균의 분포 및 Cordyceps millitaris와 C. nutans의 이용에 관한 연구 성재모;김천환;양근주;이현정;김양섭
- 한국균학회지 v.9 우리나라에서 흰가루병균을 침해하는 중복기생균의 분리 및 동정 신현동
- 한국균학회지 v.9 Nematode에 기생하는 진균의 분리 유관희;최영희;이형환
- K. J. Virol. v.10 미생물 살충제인 곤충바이러스의 분리와 전자현미경적 연구 이형환;이경로;민은숙;정혜경;염미옥
- 한국균학회지 v.23 장수버섯의 배양적 특성 장현유;차동열;강안석;홍인표;김광포;석순자;유영진;성재모
- 한국균학회지 v.25 화학합성배지 및 곡물을 이용한 Phellinus igniarius의 균사체 배양조건 정인창;김선희;권용일;김소연;이종숙;박신;박경숙;이재성
- 한국균학회지 v.24 목질진흙버섯균 Phellinus linteus의 균사체 생육에 미치는 주요인자에 관한연구 지정현;하태문;김영호;노영덕
- 한국균학회지 v.9 no.3 야생 식용버섯의 인공재배 검토(II) 차동열
- 한국균학회지 v.18 no.1 복령의 배양학적 특성에 관한 연구 홍인표;이해웅
- 한국균학회지 v.11 no.1 담자균류에 관한 연구(2). 느타리와 목이의 진탕배양에 의한 균사체 생산에 관하여 홍재식;권용주;정기태
- 한국균학회지 v.14 no.2 합성배지에서 불노초가 생산하는 섬유소 분해효소에 관한 연구 홍재식;이종배;고무석;김정숙;이극노;김명곤;정기태
- 冬蟲夏草 靑水大典
- J. Antibiotics v.48 Structures and absolute configurations of antibiotics of the oligosporon group from the nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora Anderson, M.G.;Jarman, T.B.;Rickards, R.W.
- Mushrooms demystified Arora, D.
- Nematologica v.18 Attraction and killing of nematode panagrellus redivivus by the predacious fungus Arthrobotrys dactyloides Balan, J.;Gerber, N.
- The nematode-trapping fungi Barron, G.L.
- J. Invert. Path. v.35 Heliothis zea larval motality time from topical and pre os dosages of Nomurae rileyi conidia Bell, J.V.;Hamalle, R.J.
- Fungi in Switzerland. Vol. 1. Ascomycetes Breitenbach, J.;Kranzlin, F.
- Rev. Nematol v.6 Biological control of meloidogyne by Arthrobotrys irregularis Cayrol, J.C.
- Rev. Horet. v.313 Nematodes in kiwifruit culture. Biological control trials with the nematophagous fungus T-350 Cayrol, J.C.;Frankowski, J.P.;Lanza, R.;Tamonte, M.
- C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris v.207 De la formation et du fonctionnement des pieges des champignons predateurs des nematodes. Recherches effectuees a' l' aide de la micromanipulation et de la cinematographie Commandon, J.;Fonbrune, P.
- J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. v.53 The formation and operation of the traps in the nematode-catching fungus, Dactylella bembicodes Drechsler Couch, J.N.
- J. Invert. Path. v.8 The production of heat-stable toxin by nine serotype of Bacillus thuringiensis De Barjac, H.;Burgerjon, A.;Bonnefoi, A.
- J. Wash. Acad. Sci. v.23 Morphological diversity among fungi capturing and destroying nematodes Drechsler, C.
- J. Wash. Acad. Sci. v.23 Morphological features of some more fungi that capture and kill nematodes Drechsler, C.
- Mycologia v.26 Organs of capture in some fungi preying on nematodes Drechsler, C.
- Predacious fungi and the control of eelworms;Viewpoints in Biology, Vol. 1 Duddington, C.L.;Duddington, C.L.(ed.);Carthy, J.D.(ed.)
- Beitrage zur Mykologie, Heft 1-2 Fresenius, G.
- Mush. Sci. v.IX Studies on the growth of Pleurotus ostreatus Hashimoto, K.;Takahashi, Z.
- Mycologia. v.86 Nematode-trapping in Pleurotus tuberregium Hibbett, D.S.;Thorn, R.G.
- Agri. Tech. v.50 no.10 Trend of characteristics of recently developed insecticides and problems on their use Hiroshi, H.
- Plant Protection v.50 no.11 Characteristics of newly developed insecticides and problems on their use Hiroshi, H.
- Kor. J. Mycol. v.9 Studies on Basidiomycetes (1) On the Mycelial growth of Agaricus bitorguis and Pleurotus ostreatus Hong, J.S.;Lee, K.S.;Choi, D.S.
- Sing. J. Agric. Lab. v.8 Physiological and ecological studies on Lentinus edodes (Berk) Ishikawa, H.
- Wolf. Chem. Pharm. Bull. v.31 A new antitumor polysaccharide from the mycelia of Poria cocos Kanayama, H.;Adachi, N.;Togami, M.
- J. Nematol v.12 Biocontrol: Fungal parasites of female cyst nematodes Kerry, B.
- Biological control;Biology and management of the soybean cyst nematode Kim, D.G.;Riggs, R.D.;Riggs, R.D.(ed.);Wrather, J.A.(ed.)
- Sci. Rept. Tokyo. Bunr. Daig., Sect. B v.5 The genus Cordyceps and its allies Kobayashi, Y.
- J. Helmin. v.66 In vivo passage through calves of nematophagous fungi selected for biocontrol of parasitic nematodes Larsen, M.;Wolstrup, J.;Henriksen, S.A.;Gronvold, J.;Nansen, P.
- J. Virol. v.27 Isolation of genotype varients of Autographa califonica NPV Lee, H.H.;Miller, L.K.
- Scince v.85 Stimulated activity of natural enemies of nematodes Linford, M.B.
- Parasitol. Res. v.81 Prevention of clinical trichostiongylidosis in calves by strategic feeding with the predacious fungus Duddingtonia flagrans Nansen, P.;Larsen, M.;Gronvold, J.;Wolstrup, J.;Zorn, A.;Enriksen, S.A.T.I.
- The biochemistry and uses so pesticides Park, C.K.
- C. R. Seances Mem. Soc. Biol. v.209 Sur les agents de formation des dispositifs de capture chez les Hyphomycetes predateurs de nematodes Roubaud, M.E.;Deschiens, R.
- Trans. Mycol. Soc. Japan v.27 Adhesive knobs in Pleurotus ostreatus (the oyster mushroom), as trapping organs for nematodes Saikawa, M.;Wada, N.T.I.
- Crop Protect. v.5 Pathogens for biological control of nematodes Sayre, R.M.
- Predacious fungi Hyphomycetes and their application in the control of pathogenic nematodes Soprunov, F.F.
- Baculoviruses for insect pest control. safty consideration Summers, M.;Engler, R.;Falcon, L.A.;Vail, P.;Asn(ed.)
- Mycol. Res. v.96 Fungal attachment to nematodes Tunlid, A.;Jansson, H.B.;Nordbring-Hertz, B.
- J. Mycol. Medic. v.2 Molecular mechanisms of adhesion in the nematophagous fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora Tunlid, A.;Rosen, S.;Nordbring-Hertz, B.
- Senckenbergische naturf. Ges. v.7 Sphaeria lemneae, Sordaria coprophila, Arthrobotrys oligospora;Bettr. Morph. Physiol. Pilze. III. Abhandl Woronin, M.;de Bary, A.(ed.);Woronin, M.(ed.)
- Nova Acta Lep. Carol. v.52 Zur Kenntnis der Infektions-krankheiten neidered thiere und pflanzen Zopf, W.