현행 한국의 한약재 중금속기준개정 필요성 고찰

Problems of Legal Permissible Limit in Metal Level of Herbal Drugs Using Current Korea

  • 이선동 (상지대학교 한의과대학 예방의학교실) ;
  • 박경식 (상지대학교 한의과대학 해부학교실)
  • Lee Sun-Dong (Division of Preventive Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, SangJi University) ;
  • Park Kyung-Sik (Division of Anatomy, College Of Oriental Medicine, SangJi University)
  • 발행 : 2001.06.29


Legal permissible limit of herbal drugs metal level in Korea is define 'less 30.0ppm in total(except mineral drugs)' including Pb Hg Cd As Cr Ni etc. This limit has a lot of problems in several factors, that is, not divide hazard and essential elements, not consider high and low toxic effect in each metal, not calculate dose-response relationship and average health behavior in Korean etc. As a that result, It has strong limits and weakness in the basic toxicology and Oriental medicine. To improve and correct these factors, We need to several new approach as like below. It must be radical study following problems in short and middle-long period in the future, toxic metal and essential element must be divide to basic toxicology and also be diverse toxic effect. But mineral drugs that included a amount of severe toxic metals is being used as active prescription drug until now. If toxic, safety and side-effect of metals will be considered, mineral drugs must prohibit instantly or use at least after examined toxic effect. But one of the most important things about herbal drugs contamination, all people and department (government, farmer and trader, oriental medicine doctors and association) will be participate cooperative and collection for preventive or the least contamination in herbal drugs.



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