우울증(憂鬱症)의 임상양상(臨床樣狀) 및 생체전기자율반응에 대(對)한 임상적(臨床的) 고찰(考察)

A Clinical Study of Depression in 43 Cases

  • 박지운 (대전대학교 한의과대학 신경정신과 교실) ;
  • 이상룡 (대전대학교 한의과대학 신경정신과 교실) ;
  • 최병만 (대전대학교 한의과대학 신경정신과 교실)
  • Park Ji-Un (Department of Neuropsychiatry, College of Oriental Medicine, Dae Jeon University) ;
  • Lee Sang-Ryong (Department of Neuropsychiatry, College of Oriental Medicine, Dae Jeon University) ;
  • Choi Byung-Man (Department of Neuropsychiatry, College of Oriental Medicine, Dae Jeon University)
  • 발행 : 2001.12.30


The clinical study was carried out the 43 patients with Depression who were treated in Department of Neuropsychiatry, College of Oriental Medicine, Dae Jeon University from 22 February 2000 to 14 November 2001. The results were summarized as follows. 1. The ratio of male and female was 10:33, 60's(32.6%) was frequent, no inducing factor(38.3%) was seen in a lot of cases and many patients came to our hospital by way of west-neuropsychiatry(56.8%). 2. The period of clinical history was frequent from 3 to 10 years(23.2%), the most frequent preceding disease was cardiovascular systemic disease(18.4%). 3. The main clinical symptoms were apprehension alpitation(13.4%), anorexia(9.8%), headache nuchal region stiffness(9.8%), general body weakness(6.5%), chest discomfort(6.5%), dizziness(5.7%), febris(5.3%) and constipation(5.3%). 4. The patient's tongue aspect had pink tongue and empty fur(32.6%) and pulse type had thin and deficient pulse(39.5%). The prescription drugs were Chunggansoyo-san(30.0%), purging liver and alleviating depression to regulate qi, and Guibiondam-tang(15.8%) eliminating phlegm, cooling pericardium and warming gallbladder. 5. The curve was within normal range at Psychoneural system(81.4%), and Visceral system(90.1%). 6. The regulation was Normal(48.1%), RL(27.9%), RR(20.2%) at Psychoneural system and Normal(45.9%), RL(28.5%), RR(20.3%) at Visceral system. 7. Activity and Reactivity had much lower response at 1th, 2th, 3th, 4th, 7th SANGHAN, Polalization had much higher response at 1th, 4th, SANGHAN and much lower response at 2th, 3th, 7th SANGHAN.



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  3. 黃帝內經素 王冰
  4. 醫門寶鑑 周命新
  5. 丹溪心法附餘 方廣
  6. 醫學入門 李梃
  7. 東醫病理學會誌 v.4 鬱證$\cdot$痰證$\cdot$瘀證에 관한 文獻的 考察 田炳薰
  8. 萬病回春 龔延賢
  9. 신경정신과학 대한신경정신의학회(편)
  10. ABR-2000 임상메뉴얼 메리디안 임상마케팅
  11. 한국심리학회지 v.10 no.1 BDI, SDS, MMPI-D척도의 신뢰도 및 타당도에 대한 연구 이영호;송종용
  12. 最新臨床精神醫學 이근후(외 4인)
  13. 最新精神醫學 閔聖吉
  14. 東醫精神醫學 黃義完;金知赫
  15. 古今醫統 徐春補
  16. 張子琳醫療經驗選輯 趙尙華
  17. 中醫內科學 張伯臾
  18. 診療要鑑 金定濟
  19. 東醫神經精神科學 金相孝
  20. 證治彙補 李用粹
  21. 類證治裁 林佩琴