- 남성 성기능장애의 진단과 치료 김세철
- JAMA v.270 Impotence NIH Consensus Development Panel on Impotence
- 성기능 장애와 불임증 申天活
- 東醫寶鑑 원진희(外8)
- 대한비뇨회지 v.25 Stamps를 이용한 야간 음경발기 측정의 임상적 의의 김천일;최형기
- J Urol v.129 Nocturnal penile rigidity mesured by the snap-gauge band Anders, E.K.;William, E.;Bradley;Robert, J.K.
- 대한비뇨회지 v.28 발기부전 환자의 야간음경 발기검사의 진단적 의의 조진선;최형기
- 男性科學 李熙永
- Urology v.17 Mechanism of human penile erection;An overview Newman, H.F.;Northrup, J.D.
- 韓方診斷學 李鳳敎;朴英培;金泰熙
- 鍼灸學 崔容泰(外)
- J Urol v.151 Impotence and its medical and psychosocial correlates;results of the Masachusetts Male Aging Study Feldman, H.A.;Goldstein, I.;Hatzichristou, D.G.;Krane, R.J.;McKinlay, J.B.
- Compr Psychiatry v.13 Some charateristics of nocturnal penile tumescence in early middle aged males Hursch, C.J.;Karacan, I.;Williams, R.L.
- Physiology Sleep and Waking Oswald, I.
- Waking and Sleep v.1 The ontogeny of nocturnal penile tumescence Karascan, I.;Salis, P.J.;Thornby(et al.)
- Am J Psychiatry v.132 Sleep-related tumescence as a function of age Karascan, I.;Williams, R.L.;Thoronby, J.I.;(et al.)
- N Engl J Med v.320 Impaired neurogenic and endothelium mediated relaxation of penile smooth muscle from diabetic men with impotence Saenz de Tejada, I.;Goldstein, I.;Azadzoi, K.;Krane, R.J.;Cohen, R.A.
- Urology v.38 Cigarette smoking and other risk factors in vasculogenic impotence Shabsigh, R.;Fishmen, I.J.;Schum, C.;Dunn, J.K.
- 入門診斷學譯釋 朴炅
- Johns Hopkins Med. J. v.151 Erectile dysfunction, Progress in evaluation and treatment Vliet, L.W.;Meyer, J.K.