한약을 이용한 항암 실험 연구의 경향과 연구 방향

An Anti-cancer experimental study using herbs

  • 임성우 (동국대학교 한의과대학 내과학교실)
  • Lim, Seong-Woo (Department of Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Dongguk University)
  • 발행 : 2001.03.30


After examining and analysing the medicinal herbs of fifty-three experimental papers, we studied their effects on immediate tumors in specific cancers. We did not study the influence on the life span of general cancerous cells. We looked to see if the combined usage of medicinal herbs and anticancer agents inhibited the tumor cell's growth. The serum test and blood cell count test showed if the medicinal herbs inhibited the side effects of the anticancer agent. The test showed that more than 80 percent of used medicinal herbs, brought anticancer activities. However, anticancer experimental studies using medicinal herbs have draw-backs. First, it is difficult to choose a prescription using the standards of Oriental Medicine because we are testing a mouse not a man. Second, because we only observed the indirect effect on the whole physiological regulation caused by the synergic effects of the complex prescription, we are not able to understand the detailed mechanism of the herbs. Therefore; if the anticancer effect of the herbs is proved by the experiment, we need to research the concrete medical action of medicinal herbs and the immunological analysis of herbal medicines on the body.



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