Oriental Medical Approach to Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder(ADHD)

주의력결핍 과잉운동장애에 대한 한의학적 접근

  • Chang Gyu-Tae (Department of Pediatrics, college of Oriental Medicine, Dogguk University)
  • 장규태 (동국대학교 한의과대학 소아과학교실)
  • Published : 2001.12.15


Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder(ADHD) is one of the most common childhood-onset psychlatric disorders. It is distinguished by symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. ADHD may be accompanied by learning disabilities, depression, anxiety, conduct disorder, and oppositional defiant disorder. The etiology of ADHD is unknown, and the disorder may have several different causes. Individual with ADHD present in childhood and may continue to show symptoms as they enter adolescence and adult life. Public interest in ADHD has increased along with debate in the media concerning the diagnostic process and treatment strategies. The purpose of this study is oriental medical approach to ADHD. This study was progressed for oriental diagnosis and treatment for ADHD. In oriental medicine, the reason of ADHD was deficiency of the kidney, hyperactivity of the liver(腎虛肝亢), deficiency of the heart and the spleen(心脾不足), heart disturbed by phlegm and heat(痰熱擾心). The method of medical treatment was nourishing the kidney and checking exuberance of yang(滋腎潛陽), relieving mental stress and promoting wisdom(寧神益智), nourishing the heart and strengthening the spleen(養心健脾), tranquilzation(安神定志). removing heat-phlegm(淸熱化痰), inducing resuscitation and tranquilzation(開窮安神). The prescription was commonly used as Liuwei Dihuang Wan jiajian(六味地黃丸加減), Guipi Tang he Ganmai Dazao Tang jiajian(歸脾湯合甘麥大棗湯加減), Huanglian Wendan Tang jiawei(溫黃連溫膽湯加味). It should help primary care providers in their assessment of a common child health problem.



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  32. 兒科辨病專方治療 戴西湖;謝福安
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  38. 當代兒科名老中醫經驗集 王萍芬;周本善
  39. 上海中醫藥雜誌 no.3 兒童多動症從腎論治 王世彪;何繼紅
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  43. 浙江中醫藥雜誌 v.29 no.4 小兒多動綜合症治療三法 馬蔭篤
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  50. 上海中醫藥雜誌 no.9 38例兒童多動綜合症臨床觀察 許建忠
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  59. 浙江中醫雜誌 v.29 no.10 恬靜湯治療兒童多動症 孫浩
  60. 湖北中醫雜誌 v.15 no.2 益智寧神湯治療兒童多動症40例 楊麗新;陳茵
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  62. 鍼灸臨床雜誌 v.12 no.7;8 耳體穴導電加耳穴壓丸治療兒童多動症498例 周黎明;曹銀喜
  63. 上海鍼灸雜誌 no.4 鍼刺治療兒童多動症76例 郄玉蘭
  64. 南京鐵道醫學院學報 v.14 no.3 以耳壓爲主辨證治療兒童多動症165例 龔霞;單玉芬;劉鳳英 等
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  68. 湖北中醫 v.16 no.4 圍刺四新聰爲主治療兒童多動症46例 孫元林;孫志剛;趙愛珍
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  70. 湖南中醫雜誌 v.11 no.5 益智仁耳壓治療兒童多動症68例 王堯;王成金;王敬田
  71. 國醫論壇 v.13 no.2 鍼刺治療兒童多動症86例療效觀察 柴鐵劬;靳瑞;賴親生 等
  72. 陜西中醫學院學報 no.4 益智糖漿 治療兒童多動症的動物實驗觀察 孫遠岭;王玉潤;瞿秀華 等
  73. 中國中西醫結合雜誌 v.15 no.6 中藥調神口服液治療小兒多動症臨床與實驗硏究 王立華;李成韻;李國忠 等
  74. 河南中醫 v.17 no.2 安神益智膠囊鎭靜作用硏究 劉夢蓮
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