
The Present Conditions and Future Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine Pediatrics

  • 왕수전 (남경중의약대학아과교연실)
  • Wang Shouchuan (Teaching Research Room of Pediatrics, Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine)
  • 발행 : 2001.08.15


본문종술료중의견과학근50년래재기초의학 (本文綜述了中醫見科學近50年來在基礎醫學), 예방의학(預防醫學)、림증의학적발전현상화성취(臨證醫學的發展現狀和成就), 작자인위중의아과학발전적전략목표시현대화(作者認爲中醫兒科學發展的戰略目標是現代化). 금후약간년내(今后若干年內), 잉장요대력인진현대과학기술수단(仍將要大力引進現代科學技術手段), 재중의아과학기초방면(在中醫兒科學基礎方面), 가강대소견생리병리특점(加强對小見生理病理特点), 사진객관화(四診客觀化), 굉관변증여미관변증상결합(宏觀辨證與微觀辨證相結合), 약물제형개혁급약효학등연구(藥物劑型改革及藥效學等硏究) ; 재림증방면(在臨證方面), 발휘중의약우세(發揮中醫藥優勢), 심입대병독성질병(深入對病毒性疾病), 면역성질병(免疫性疾病), 영양성질병(營養性疾病), 신생아질병등적연구(新生兒疾病等的硏究), 제고료효(提高療效), 적루자료(積累資料), 온양학과현대화적변장(?釀學科現代化的變章).

This article summarizes the present developing conditions and achievements in pediatrics of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) at basic medicine, clinical medicine and preventive medicine in recent fifty years. The author thinks that the strategy goal of the development of TCM pediatrics is modernization. In the future certain years, culturing persons of ability in all kinds of administrative levels and using modern science and techniques are very necessary. In the aspect of the background of TCM pediatrics, childrens physiology and pathology characteristic, pharmacodynamics, making the four diagnostic methods objective, combining macro differentiation with micro differentiation, reforming the preparation form should be intensively researched. In the aspect of clinic, in order to improve curative effect, accumulate materials, we should go deep into the research on virus diseases, immunity diseases, nutritional diseases and neonatal diseases by taking advantage of the superiority of TCM.
