요통(腰痛)의 운동요법(運動療法)에 관한 고찰(考察)

Therapeutic Exercise of Low Back Pain

  • 송영상 (경원대학교 한의과대학 한방재활의학과교실) ;
  • 임형호 (경원대학교 한의과대학 한방재활의학과교실)
  • Song, Young-Sang (Dept. of Oriental Rehabilitation Medicine. College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Won University) ;
  • Lim, Hyung-Ho (Dept. of Oriental Rehabilitation Medicine. College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Won University)
  • 발행 : 2001.12.20


Objective : The therapeutic exercise on low back found In the literatures mostly have adopted methods that are applied to only certain muscles. The purpose of this paper to classify various low pains and to Investigate an active physical treatment can be applied to certain low back pain. Methods : By exploring the journals and medical publications. Results and Conclusions 1. A goal of low back exercise is reinforcement and extension of muscles in order to control pains. 2 Low back exercise which causes the movement of the spinal joint and disk can control pains. 3. Flexion exercise of lumbar spine can be generally applied to any low back pains except kyposis. 4. Extension exercise of lumbar spine can be applied to any low back pains except facet joint syndrome or hyperlordosis. 5. Rotation exercise of lumbar spine can be applied to any low back pains except facet joint syndrome. 6. Lateral bending exercise of lumbar spine can be applied to HNP. facet Joint syndrome, scoliosis.



  1. 혜화의학 v.4 no.1 요통의 수기요법 및 운동요법에 대한 연구 오민석;이철완
  2. 요통 민경옥;이태용
  3. 요통증후군 노식옮김
  4. 동의재활의학과학 전국한의과대학재활의학과학교실
  5. 동의재활의학과학 도해 요통학습 제일의학사 편집부
  6. 한방재활의학과학회지 v.6 no.1 요통의 기공요법에 관한 연구 정순웅;이인선
  7. 운동치료학 I 민경옥
  8. 물리치료(처방과 치료법) 박찬의
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  10. 허리가 아프시다구요? 정진우(역)
  11. 신준식 박사의 허리가 생명이다 신준식
  12. 운동과 성인병 김의수;이형국
  13. 운동치료학 이재학
  14. Low Back Pain. J.M.Cox.
  15. 요통의 예방과 치료 구희서;정진우(역)