上胞下垂에 關한 文獻的 考察

A literatual studies on the Ptosis(上胞下垂)

  • 박수연 (東義大學校 韓醫科大學 外官科學敎室) ;
  • 최정화 (東義大學校 韓醫科大學 外官科學敎室)
  • 발행 : 20000900


I examined and referred to literatures of every generations on the nicknames, causes, herb medications and acupucture treatments of ptosis(上胞下垂) And then the results were obtained as follows. 1. The nicknames of ptosis(上胞下垂) are hyumok(휴목), chimpung(侵風), geompye(瞼廢), geompisubok(瞼皮垂覆), posu(胞垂) and bigwon(脾倦) which corresponds to blepharoptosis in Western Medicine. 2. The congenital ptosis(上胞下垂) is mostly caused by innate disposition(稟賦不足). The acquired ptosis(上胞下垂) is mostly caused by Qi sinking of Tri-energizer(中氣下陷). And besides this, there are Blood stasis due to Qi stagnancy(氣滯血瘀), invasion of the eyelid by wind(風邪入絡), Qi and Blood deficiency(氣血不足), Phlegm syndrome due to wind(風痰阻絡), Wind syndrome due to Yang hypertrophy(陽亢動風) and Stagnation of Liver Qi(肝氣鬱結). 3. In herb medication of ptosis(上胞下垂), Bojungikgitang(補中益氣湯) was used 14 times most and its effects are nourishing the spleen to promote the flow of Qi(健脾益氣) and elevating the YangQi and activation the meridian(升陽活絡). In the following, Insamyangyeongtang(人蔘養榮湯) was done 6 times and has effects of promoting the Qi and activating the blood(益氣養血) and of promoting blood circulation and restoring flow(活血通絡). The next, Jungyongtang(正容湯) appeared 5 times and this can expel wind, resolve phlegm and restore flow(祛風滌痰通絡). As single herb, Radix glycyrrhizae(甘草) was used 66 times most. Besides this, there are a few herbs used many times like Rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae(白朮), Radix angelicae gogantis(當歸), Radix ginseng(人蔘). Radix astragali(황기) and Rhizoma cimicifugae(升麻). 4. In acupunture treatment, Chanzhu(撰竹) was used 19 times most. Besides this acupoint, there are some points choson frequently like Zusanli(足三里), Sanyinjiao(三飮交), Yangbai(陽白), Taiyang(太陽), Tongziliao(瞳子 ), Jingming(晴明), Hegu(合谷) and Fengchi(風池).
