문제진단 및 정의단계의 DSS 사용효과

The Effectiveness of DSS in the Stage of Problem Diagnosis-Definition

  • 권오탁 (대구미래대학 멀티미디어정보과학과) ;
  • 이재관 (숭실대학교 경영학과)
  • 발행 : 2000.12.01


Problem definition is as important as problem solving in decision making. Decision makers, however, tend to see problem partly or to define it unclearly. The researchers on decision making tend to lay a focus only on the Process of solving the given problem. This dissertation empirically studied the Problem diagnosis and definition in the decision making process. This study developed three kinds of DSS(Decision Support System) for the research and analyzed the effectiveness of the problem diagnosis and definition using DSS developed in this study. The three kinds of DSS are K-T(Kennel and Tregoe) DSS which is a method of table-styled information Presentation, and F-N(Fact-Net) DSS and C-E(Cause and Effect) DSS which are methods of graphic-styled information presentation. The empirical study was conducted twice; the pilot test and the main test. The samples of experiment are 218 students for the pilot test and 259 students for the main test. The author used K-T DSS and F-N DSS for the pilot test, and the revised K-T DSS and C-E DSS for the main test. A questionnaire survey method was included in the main test process The result of the study shows that the group using DSS in problem diagnosis and definition is more effective than the group not using DSS. A table-styled information presentation DSS, K-T, turns out more effective than a graphic-styled information presentation DSS, F-N, K-T DSS and C-E DSS showed no significant differences in the effectiveness in the main test. These results indicate that the use of DSS in the stage of problem diagnosis and definition is very effective and the methods and types of system design are a significant factors for DSS development.
