기본간호학 실습교과과정 개선에 관한 연구

A Study for the Improvement of a Fundermental Nursing Practice Course

  • 유문숙 (아주대학교 의과대학 간호학부)
  • 발행 : 2000.04.30


It was reported that nursing students had most difficulties in clinical competency due to their short of knowledge and skills in nursing care. Environmental difference between laboratory in nursing school and hospital was another difficulty to them. This implicated that more preclinical competency education is needed in fundermental nursing to achieve skills of care and the laboratory environment of nursing school had to be improved. The purpose of this study was to examine contents, total lecture and practicum house of the fundermental nursing education in nursing schools. It was also examine the difference of contents between hospital in-service education and nursing school. It's study is a descriptive study with study sample of 56 nursing professors who teach fundermental nursing in colleges and universities. Structured Questionnaires was used in collecting data. The result showed that practicum hours total 96.8 hours which was 59% of funderm nursing course. The education regar medication account for large numbers of h Aseptic technique, elimination care, vital oxygen related care were the next common contents. When compared with hospital in-service education, 76% of the education were the same. This suggested that pre-clinical education in fundermental nursing needed to be enforced in its contents & education hours to establish clinical practice centered nursing education.
