Research on Korean Movie Costume's Transition and Function

한국(韓國) 영화의상(映畵衣裳)의 변천(變遷)과 기능(機能)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

  • 김희정 (성신여자대학교 의류학과) ;
  • 이순홍 (성신여자대학교 의류학과)
  • Published : 2000.09.30


The movie costume's function and the role can be defined by reflection of the society and the times, character portrayal, conveyance of image, and creation of fashion. Korean movie costumes have been differentiated from 1950s till 1990s in time period and the results of comparison between the times as follow : Movie and fashion hold same period in common so that sense of fashion is naturally contained in the movie costume. Therefore, excluding special movie that costumes are selected by designer, such kind of trend is notable in the times when costumes mostly selected by actors themselves. Most movie costumes are not designed after predicting up coming fashion by considering movie producing time so that notation between current fashion and fashion in the movie and mostly we see about one year behind fashion style. For FAD, fashion that quickly passes in each season can use costumes in fashion, considering movie producing time and time background, that it lack of trend of fashion in the movie. Korean movie industry lack of having perception of people who are in charge of taking care of movie so that costumes are not properly taken care of and uses only 5% of total movie producing cost. Such that kind having lack of preception and treatment of movie costumes can't expect development of movie costumes.
