DSRC 기술을 활용한 지능형 교통 시스템의 통신망 구조 연구

A Study on Telecommunication Network Architecture for Intelligence Transportation System Based on DSRC Technology

  • 이성룡 (한국외국어대학교 산업정보시스템공학부) ;
  • 최경일 (한국외국어대학교 산업정보시스템공학부) ;
  • 이희상 (한국외국어대학교 산업정보시스템공학부) ;
  • 김윤배 (성균관대학교 시스템경영공학부)
  • 발행 : 2000.12.31


ITS(Intelligent Transportation System) is an advanced system which can effectively handle the current transportation and tragic problems. In order to beneficially apply ITS to the current transportation infrastructure we need a telecommunication technology which guarantees high speed data transmission between the road side units and the on-board units in the vehicles. DSRC(Dedicated Short Range Communication) is considered as a promising technology since it has the capability of two-way communication and can serve to implement various ITS services. In this paper, we study an architecture of telecommunication network far ITS based on DSRC. We use the ISCNA(Information Systems and Communication Networks Architecture) framework for the method of approach. We first analyze the requirements for ITS services using DSRC in Korea, and then establish a logical architecture for the network. We also analyze the types of data and process between the network components. Based on these we propose an architecture for the telecommunication network for ITS. We also briefly discuss the simulation which we perform to validate the proposed network architecture.
