Bifurcation Modes in the Limit of Zero Thickness of Axially Compressed Circular Cylindrical Shell

  • Kwon, Young-Joo (Department of Mechanical Design and Production Engineering, Hongik University)
  • Published : 2000.01.01


Bifurcation intability modes of axially compressed circular cylindrical shell are investigated in the limit of zero thickness (i.e., h (thickness) ${\rightarrow}$ 0) analytically, adopting the general stability theory developed by Triantafyllidis and Kwon (1987) and Kwon (1992). The primary state of the shell is obtained in a closed form using the asymptotic technique, and then the straight-forward bifurcation analysis is followed according to the general stability theory to obtain the bifurcation modes in the limit of zero thickness in a full analytical manner. Hence, the closed form bifurcation solution is obtained. Finally, the result is compared with the classical one.



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