Development of a Plate Manufacturing CAD/CAM Program for a Optimal Layout and Distributed Control System

  • Kim, Hun-Mo (School of Mechanical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University)
  • 발행 : 2000.10.01


A Problem of relevant interest to some industries is that of obtaining optimum two-dimensional layout. To solve this provlem, one is given a number of rectangular sheets and an order for a specified number of each of certain types of two-dimensional regular and irregular shapes. The aim is to cut the the shapes out of the sheets in such a way as to minimize the amount of waste produced. A DCS (Distributed Control System) is an integrated system which applies the decentralization concept to a control system handling both sequential and analog control. A DCS performs many operations such as data gathering, data processing, data storing and monitoring the operatin conditions for the operator. IN this paper, we propose a genetic algorithm based on rotation parameters from which the best pattern of layout is found as well as a layout method for better performance time. A DCS for the plate cutting process system, which is performed by a virtual system, is also identified.



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