구안괘사의 원인(原因)에 대(對)한 문헌적(文獻的) 고찰(考察)

Reference research for the cause of facial nerve paralysis

  • 유한철 (대전대학교 한의과대학 경혈학교실) ;
  • 김한성 (대전대학교 한의과대학 경혈학교실)
  • Yu, Han Chol (Dept. of Meridian, College of Oriental Medicine, Taejon University) ;
  • Kim, Han Sung (Dept. of Meridian, College of Oriental Medicine, Taejon University)
  • 발행 : 2000.08.25


From the reference research, the results obtained were as follows. 1. Until the "Song" dynasty, the predominant cause of facial nerve paralysis was the attack of Pathogenic Wind to "the Stomach Channel of Foot Yangming, (St.C.); and "the Small Intestine Channel of Hand Taiyang, (S.I.C.). They recognized the facial paralysis as an aspect of palsy. 2. In the period of Jin-Yuan(金元), the predominant cause was described as "Xuexu"(the deficiency of blood) and phlegm. They recognized that the facial palsy was a palsy. However, they also acceded to the possibility that there could be other explanations. 3. In the period of "Ming & Qing", there were numerous kinds of causes. For example, the following were identified as attacking the Meridian: the Pathogenic Cold; Pathogenic Heat; "Xinxu"(the deficiency in the heart); Fire and Heat combined as a pathogenic factor; "Pixu"(the deficiency in the spleen); and, "Xinxu"(the deficiency of blood). 4. In the past, Koreans have explained the facial paralysis according to the Chinese theories mentioned. However, recently there has been an emergence of another Chinese theory; whereby, facial paralysis is classified into causes and symptoms, and then medical treatment is applied accordingly. 5. From the occident medical perspective, the facial paralysis is categorized into two causes. The first is called central facial nerve paralysis and the second is called peripheral facial nerve paralysis. The latter is mainly caused by Bell's palsy, Herpez zoster oticus, and trauma.
