Supported by : 한국산업안전공단 산업안전보건연구원
Hazardous organic solvents management as prescribed by presidential decree in Korea is reviewed. The status of import, manufacture, and circulation of organic solvents was investigated. Problems inherent in the management of organic solvents in the electroplating, metal degreasing, and dry cleaning industries were discussed. The chemical substance management system in Korea was compared to those of foreign organizations. A walk-through check list was developed and then used to assess the actual conditions and potential hazards of chemical substances in these industries. The questionnaire could be used to develop a chemical management system and protect workers from hazardous substances. Based on the results of the site survey, MSDSs were not integrated appropriately into the workers education and were not readily accessible to employees. In the case of the dry cleaning industry, the new dry cleaning solvent used as a substitute includes a lot of potentially hazardous organic solvents. This research is preliminary. It is recommended that a national survey be performed to better identify the current situation. Because chemical substances are regulated by thirteen laws in seven executive branches, management systems often overlap, resulting in ineffective control. Using the above results, a model for managing chemical substances was developed. This will more efficiently provide MSDS information to workers covered by the presidential decree and allow the construction of a management system database for better cooperation with the executive branches in Korea.
Supported by : 한국산업안전공단 산업안전보건연구원