대도시내 영농조건 불리지역의 농업경영 특성 - 대구광역시 본리마을을 사례로 -

The Characteristics of the Agricultural Management in the Less Favored Metropolitan Areas - A Case study of Bonli, Taegu-

  • 발행 : 2000.12.30


대도시내의 농업경영이 시장접근성의 측면에서 볼 때 유리한 것은 사실이다. 그러나 농업은 필연적으로 생물학적 과정에 의존하는 산업이므로 농업경영에서 자연적 조건은 여전히 중요하다. 사례연구를 통해 대도시내 영농조건이 불리한 지역의 농업경영 특성을 고찰한 본 연구에서 경제적 측면의 농업경영과 관련해서는 토지의 자연적 제약이 중요한 요인이지만 주민의 생활측면에서는 기반시설의 부족이 더 큰 제약 요인으로 작용됨을 확인하였다. 농업노동력은 양적으로 부족하고 질적으로 낮은 수준이며, 부족한 농업노동력을 보완하는 위탁영농은 결과적으로 개별농가의 영농수익을 악화시키는 요인이 되고 있다. 경영규모와 형태는 경영주의 연령에 의해 크게 영향 받으며, 토지이용은 자연적 조건에 따라 결정되는데 특히 일사량 및 수리시설과의 접근성이 중요하게 작용된다. 기반시설의 부족에 따른 생활상의 불편함과 열악한 영농조건 및 낮은 영농수익성에도 불구하고 자급적 생계유지 목적의 영농과 촌락공동체는 유지될 가능성이 높다. 그러나 불리한 자연적 조건은 영농의 상업화를 제약하여 영농목적의 이주를 제한하고 농가경제의 영세성과 악순환을 되풀이한다 그러므로 정책적인 지원과 재배작물의 보급이 없는 한 자연적 조건이 불리한 농업지역은 대도시내에 위치하더라도 한계가 있다.

Generally speaking, the metropolitan agricultural regions have some advantages from the high accessibility to markets. But agriculture inevitably rests on the biological process. This study shows what characteristics of the agricultural management are found in these less favored metropolitan areas with bad natural conditions and how farm household live there. From the view point of farm household, the quality of labors they can get is quite low, and insufficient in quantity. The shortage of labor can be made up for the farming on Trust Farming System And the relatively less favored agricultural conditions prevent people from immigrating into these kind of areas, if they don't have any relationship with there. With bad natural conditions, the farm households usually cultivate relatively small areas for the purpose of self-sufficiency, and with smaller cultivating units(Baemi) of the land than in open fields. The scale of the agricultural management is largely affected by the ages of agricultural managers. The more aged the managers are, the smaller scale of the agricultural management. How to use lands is determined in accordance with the natural conditions such as percentage of sunshine and accessibility to drainage facilities -the two major factors- and more. Either owner-run farmlands or leased farmlands doesn't show any difference in each growing crops. Depending on the conditions of the lands, rice paddy is used for growing rice and field is used for growing self sufficient plants including vegetables for the farm household. Although the lack of infrastructure causes the inconvenience of living, and there exist less favored agricultural conditions, this kind of life and agricultural management style -self-sufficiency type- seems to be sustained quite longer. The less favored natural conditions for farming keeps the agricultural management style from being developed to be the level of commercialization. And the poor economic situation of farmers are continuing again and again. With the result of this study, there should be two conditions to be established previously if they want to develop these regions. First, each farm household should get to know of the importance of commercialization and try to spread it. The commercialization. should be attained through the expansion of the environmental friendly agriculture and the improvement of the previously established distribution system of the crops. Secondly, there should be a support from the government. The support will include the expansion of the infrastructures for fanning to improve the fanning conditions and the compensation system directly from the government to the farmers.
