농업정보화를 위한 추진 사례와 농촌지도사의 역할

A Case of Implementation of Agricultural Information System and the Role of Extension Educator

  • 김영식 (아산시 농업기술센터) ;
  • 전은경 (서울대학교 농업생명과학대학)
  • 발행 : 2000.12.31


There are many opportunities for Agricultural Technology Centers and for local communities to benefit from the computer and internet and compete in the information age. However, many rural communities appeared to lack human and financial resources required to enable access to the computer and internet. A case of implementation process of establishing agricultural information system at Asan Agricultural Technology Center during the last 10 years were presented. Extension educators took leadership role in facilitating the educational needs of farmers in terms of related resources for the computer and internet extension. To better prepare communities for the information age, community access was critical for promoting the technology and improving proficiency of local community members in its use, extension educators need to take leadership role in assessing community ability to provide internet access points for people without computers. Extension educators at city/county Agricultural Technology Centers may initiate to attract people with internet needs. computer resources, technological experience, and know-how for setting up internet access points in community locations.
