수산·해운계 고등학교 제7차 교육과정 각론 개정 연구

A Study the 7th Revised Curriculum Development for the Fisheries and Merchant Marine High School

  • 발행 : 2000.07.31


This article refers to the processions and the improvement of the 7th revised curriculum development for the Fisheries and Merchant Marine High School, published at Dec. 30, 1997. The general point of the 7th revised curriculum development was to cultivate creative Korean who will lead the epoch of globalization and information and to perform the learner-centered curriculum. Moreover, it defines the nature of Business High School not as completive but as continuing education. Based on this view, the improvment of 7th revised curriculum has been searched in varous sides. The group of general researchers and cooperators consisted of 12 members who were of university professors, teachers, related business men and executives in the administration branches, and the total researchers of 7th revised curriculum development were 90 members. The basic orientation of the research for the revised curriculum development was as following : The improvement of basic ability, job-analysis ability, integrity of theory and practice, acquisition of the certificate of national qualification, interrelation and cooperative role division between school and industrial fields, extension of self-decision ability of school and local society, protection of learner-selection right and maintaining close relations with the business-educational organization under life-long education system. Thus on the whole, the research for educational goals and contents, instructions, learning theory and evaluation is being processed with a high activity, based on the above mentioned plan of 7th revised curriculum development. At the same time, the methods and the models are being investigated. At last, it is to be noted that, in such as the 7th revised curriculum development research in this case, the effort should not be spared to harmonize the basic technological knowledge of the specialists in the Fisheries and Merchant Marine field and the cultural, liberal arts of personality education.
