ISO 9000 Certificatin Process and Business Competitiveness In Slovenia

  • Pivka, Marjan (University of Maribor Faculty of Business and Economics) ;
  • Ursic, Dusko (University of Maribor Faculty of Business and Economics)
  • 발행 : 2000.06.01


The Slovenian management have already for a while been intensely trying to catch up the West. We can not generalize this movement yet, though it can be observed in many companies. According to the latest data, already 30% of all employees in Slovenia are participating in the project of quality. More than 400 companies have ISO 900x certified quality systems (in 1999). Our interest as quality consultants, researchers and auditors is the research of the added value given by the ISO 900x certification process to company. This article shows only some result of the research The influence of ISO 9000 certificate on organisation's competitiveness. The research was conducted in 1998 for Slovenian companies.
