The Effect of Articulation Modification Program for Production /ㅅ/ of Hearing Disordered Students

조음조절 프로그램에 의한 청각장애학생의 /ㅅ/산출 개선

  • 손정민 (부천시 장애인종합복지관) ;
  • 석동일 (대구대학교 언어치료학과) ;
  • 박상희 (대구대학교 언어치료학과 임상청각실)
  • Published : 2000.09.01


The purpose of this study is to examine the improvement effect of articulation of the fricative consonant /s/(ㅅ), when applying the Articulation Modification Program (AMP) to hearing disordered students. Three hearing disordered students were selected for this study by the consonant picture and Korean Articulation Sentence tests. They have no defect in their emotion, behavior and sight. This program applied the multiple baseline design across subjects to examine the improvement effect of articulation of fricative consonant /s/(ㅅ). Also I designed th$\sim$s program with an advanced pre-test and post-test in order to research the improvement difference of articulation by articulation position and language unit. It was executed 32 sessions over three months, four sessions a week, one session taking forty minutes. The results according to the study subject are as follow; First, as result of AMP, articulation of all students was developed after applying this program. Second, as result of AMP, articulation in fore-word was one-hundred percent efficiency and articulation in middle-word was 97.7% efficiency by position. Third, as result of AMP, articulation in the word reached 98.7% efficiency, in phrase 97.7% efficiency, in the sentence 97.7% efficiency and in the story was 98.3% efficiency by language unit.
