독일의 아키비스트 양성제도 - 마르부르크 기록학교(Marburg Archivschule)를 중심으로 -

The Education and Training of Archivists in Germany - Based on the curriculum of Marburgschule -

  • 발행 : 2000.10.31


In this paper I tried to get an overall view of the training course of German archivists, based on the curriculum of Marburger Archivschule. In Germany the short-term training courses are offered by some archives and also graduate-level course is offered by a college in Potzdam. Marburger Schule is, however, said to be a representative institute for training of archivists in Germany because the institute has a long history and its graduates have been playing a leading role in the archival science and archival administration of Germany. By examining the curriculum of the Marburger Schule, I tried to analyze the important elements which have decided the shaping of curriculum historically. I also examined the general prerequisite to be an archivist in Germany, including qualification-examination in order to see how the high standards of German archivists can be maintained. There are three kinds of training courses in Marburger Schule: course for academic archivists, course for administrative archivists, short-term course for complementary training. The former two main courses are runned in association with each state archives(staatliche Archive, Landesarchive) in the Federal Republic of Germany along the line of public regulation. These courses consist of theoretical and practical education. Marburger Schule is charged with the theoretical education, while each local government(Landesregiergung) runs the training system according to its own rules with autonomy. The education of archivists must be structured to fill the expected role in a society to which archivists belong. The image of archivist changes in the course of times and makes a greate many differences according to the conditions and tradition of a country. The whole system of formal education is also related with the style of managing of Archives in each country. Therefore an example of a country can not be taken so easily as a model. The education system of archivists must be interpreted in the relation with the historical condition of a country and its administrative system of archives.
