Photocatal~ic Hydrogen Evolution with Platinum Loaded Cadmium-Iron-Sulfide Mixed Crystal Powders in Aque-ous Media


Mixed crystal powders based on Cd,Fe, and S have been synthesized by varying the ratio of CdS and $FeS_2in$ order to find a suitable material usefuI for the effectivc conversion of solar energy. Hydrogen gas was evolved only with CdS/Ptby photocatal ytic reaction under white light in an aqueous 1 M sodiumsulfite solution. From electrochemical studies of semiconductor electrodes. itwas shown that the onset potential shifted to the positive direction and that the bandgap energy also decreased as the molar ratio of Fe increased. A hydrogen evolution mechanism in terms of the conduction band potential and hydrogen evolution potential is proposed.



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Cited by

  1. Preparation of ternary metal chalcogenide (M1-xFexS, M = Cd and Zn) nanocrystallites using single source precursors vol.696, pp.21, 2000,