알레르기성 비염 환자에 대한 임상적 고찰 - 외치요법(吹鼻法)을 응용하여 -

A Clinical study of Allergic Rhinitis (treated with aroma-therapy)

  • 신진욱 (원광대학교 한의과대학 외관과학교실) ;
  • 김남권 (원광대학교 한의과대학 외관과학교실)
  • 발행 : 2000.12.01


Objectives : In order to apply herbal medicine to aroma-therapy, we observed clinically remedical effect for allergic rhinitis of aroma-therapy using herbal medicine. Methods : Twenty-four allergic rhinitis patients were treated in the Kun-po Oriental Medical Hospital of Wonkwang University from September 2000 to October 2000. They were treated with aroma-therapy and analyzed clinically. Results : 1. 25.0% (6 cases) of all cases involved pre-teenagers; teenagers 29.2% (7 cases); patients in their 20s, 20.8% (5 cases); patients in their 30s, 12.5% (3 cases); patients in their 40s, 8.3% (2 cases); patients in their 50s, 4.2% (1 cases). 2. The ratio of male to female patients was 58.3%(14 cases) to 41.7%(10 cases). 3. Cases involving patients under the age of six months was 0%; under 1 year 12.5% (3 cases); under 2 years 33.3%(8 cases); under 3 years 16.7%(4 cases); over 3 years 37.5%(9 cases). 4. Past history : The cases of sinusitis were 33.3%(8 cases); otitis media 20.8%(5 cases), bronchitis 16.7%(4 cases), atopic dermatitis 12.5%(3 cases), asthma 8.3%(2 cases). 5. The ratio of allergic onset based on seasons were : spring 16.7%(4 cases), summer 0%, fall 29.2%(7 cases), winter 16.7%(4 cases), and not defined 37.5%(9 cases). 6. The cases of nasal obstruction was 91.7%(22 cases); followed by : sneezing 83.3(20 cases), white rhinorrhea 70.8%(17 cases), eye itching 66.7%(16 cases), nasal itching 58.3%(14 cases), rhinalgia 58.3%(14 cases), postnasal drip 50.0%(12 cases), headache 41.7%(10 cases), yellow rhinorrhea 33.3%(8 cases), cough 33.3%(8 cases), fatigue 29.2%(7 cases). 7. The cases of familial factor was 66.7%(16 cases); the non-familial factor 33.3%(8 cases). 8. The remedical effect of the treatment showed an improvement in 58.4% of the total cases studied. 9. The improvement-rate of the 1st group (mahwang group) was 66.7%; of the 2nd group (hwangkum group) 48.5%, and of the 3rd group (pine group) 55.8%. Conclusions : Considering the above results, we have concluded that the remedical effect for allergic rhinitis of aroma-therapy using herbal medicine showed to be intentional in comparison with aroma-therapy using aroma-oil.



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