Role of $17{\beta}$- Estradiol on Brain Atrophy Following Cerebral Infarction

뇌졸중후 뇌위축에 대한 조경론적 접근

  • 윤상협 (경희대학교 동서의학연구소) ;
  • 이종수 (경희대학교 한의과대학 재활의학과)
  • Published : 2000.12.01


Objective : The aim of this study was to investigate the neuroprotection effect of estrogen on brain atrophy following cerebral infarction. Method : All animals in this study were classified into 4 groups; ovariectomy group (OVXgroup), cerebral infarction group (INF group), combination ovariectomy and cerebral infarction group (OVX + INF group), and naturally intact group for control data (NOR group). Cerebral infarction was made by Chen's method with some modification. Ovariectomy was performed by Wayforth's method. Experimental data for each group was collected at 15 days, month, 3 months, and 6 months after starting observation. Serum $17{\beta}-estradiol(E2)$ was determined by radioimmunoassay. Brain volume was measured and calculated with image analysis. Each brain was sliced at intervals of 2mm in chamber after 30 min of freezing in refregerater. Cerebral volume was obtained by sum of volume of each slice level, which was mean $area{\;}{\times}{\;}2mm$. Results : Cerebral ischemia was found to decrease the serum concentration of $17{\beta}-{\;}estradiol(E2)$ and to inhibit the physiologically conpensatary function of the ovariectomized rats. Also we found that deprivation of estrogen have resulted in more severe cerebral atrophy followed by cerebral infarction. Conclusion : It is suggested that estrogen has a neuroprotection effect on cerebral atrophy following cerebral infarction.



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