The Mineral Contents in 42 Oriental Herbs

42종 한약재의 무기질 함량

  • 두호경 (경희대학교 한의과대학 신계내과학교실) ;
  • 안세영 (경희대학교 한의과대학 신계내과학교실)
  • Published : 2000.06.01


Objectives : It is well known that vegetables and fruits contain minerals, including potassium, sodium and phosphorus etc. Though most oriental herbal medications are made of natural plants, western scientists suppose that they also contain certain amounts of minerals and so are injurious to kidney disease such as chronic renal disease. However, by the reason of the limitation of western medical treatment on kidney disease, many patients depend on oriental medical treatment, which includes taking oriental herbal medicine. So, in order to find out the mineral contents in oriental herbal medicine, and to establish the oriental herbal medication's safety in kidney disease, studies were performed. Methods : In this study, we analyzed 42 oriental herbs commonly used in kidney disease by the Inductively Coupled Plasma(ICP) method. Results : 1. The potassium and sodium contents of oriental herbs were 3-10 times as much as of food. 2. The mineral contents of a daily dose of oriental herbal medicine satisfied the restriction of dietary mineral in CRF, though the amount of mineral intakes by food was considered. Conclusions : The mineral contents of oriental herbal medicine are less than the limits of mineral restriction in renal failure. The yielded results, we carefully suggest that oriental herbal medicine does not induce accumulation of minerals or damage in kidney disease patients.



  1. 임상 신장학 김현철;박성배
  2. 신장학 연세대학교 신장질환연구소
  3. 대한내과학회지 v.37 만성 신부전증의 식이요법 한대식
  4. 국민영양 v.87 단백질$\cdot$나트륨$\cdot$칼륨 조절을 위한 식품교환표 대한 영양사회 병원분파위원회
  5. 현대식이요법 김상보;이정숙;김성로
  6. 식사요법 모수미
  7. 한국영양학회지 v.7 한국상용식품중의 무기질함량에 대한 연구:채소와 과실중의 Sodium 및 Potassium 함량에 대하여 박종시
  8. 약물치료의 기초와 임상 Goodman;Gilman.
  9. 병태생리학 김창종
  10. 신장병백과 김명재
  11. 국립보건원보 v.29 한국식품의 영양성분에 관한 연구:나트륨,칼륨 함량 측정 권혁희;이달수;김인복
  12. 한국영양학회지 v.8 한국상용식품중의 무기질함량에 대한 연구:곡류중의 Sodium 및 Potassium 함량에 대하여 박종시
  13. 국립보건원보 v.28 한국식품의 영양성분에 관한 연구:나트륨,칼륨 함량 측정 권혁희;이달수;김인복
  14. 한국영양학회지 v.9 한국상용식품중의 무기질함량에 대한 연구:우유와 청량음료중의 Sodium 및 Potassium함량에 대하여 박종시