The Clinical Observation on 1 Case of Patient with Herpes Zoster Infecting Ophthalmic Branch of Trigeminal Nerve

안구 대상포진환자 1례에 관한 증례보고

  • 배성한 (세명대학교 한의과대학 심계내과학교실) ;
  • 남창규 (세명대학교 한의과대학 심계내과학교실)
  • Published : 2000.01.01


The herpes zoster infecting ophthalmic branch of trigeminal Nerve that is similar to migraine at first stage symptom has been treated with oriental medication at Dept. of Internal Medicine, Semyung University Oriental Hospital. The fIrst symptom of roster is burning pain, tingling or extreme sensitivity in one area of the skin, usually limited to one side of the body. This may be present for one to three days before a red rash appears at that site. There may also be a fever or headache. The rash soon turns into groups of blisters. The blisters start out clear but then pus or dark blood collects in the blisters before they crust over (scab) and begin to disappear. The pain may last longer. In this case, the severe pain was present for five days, the blisters and scabsdisappeared entirely on the seventeenth day, but postherpetic neuralgia, the most common complication and is observed most frequently in the ophthalmic branch of trigeminal nerve, was not prevented entirely. We have observed this case and report to help treatment on this disease at oriental medicine clinic.



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