PCR-mediated Fingerprinting to Identify Dang-Gui(당귀)

당귀류 한약재의 유전자 감별 연구

  • Published : 2000.01.01


Radix Angelicae Gigantis is sweet and pungent in flavor, warm in property. Its effects are tonifying the blood, promoting blood circulation, relieving pain and moistening the bowels. Its indications are blood deficiency syndrome characterized by sallow complexion, dizziness, irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, pains due to blood stasis, and rheumatic arthralgia. Using genes of A. gigas, A. acutiloba, and A. sinensis, the origin of which is identified, as criteria, we analysed many kinds of Angelica with RAPD and RFLP on ITS region, in order to compare and discriminate genes extracted from crude drugs ‘Dang-gui’, that are produced in Korea on the one hand and imported on the other hand. We reached the following conclusion. 1. We could extract DNA from both original plant and dried plant. 2. Especially Uniprimer #1, Uniprimer #2, Uniprimer #4 and Uniprimer #9 were useful. 3. Among the restriction enzymes Sma I, Msp I, Hae III, and Hinf I, used in this experiment, four restriction enzymes except Hinf I could be used properly in discriminating all samples used as A. gigas. We think that this result can be used as a method of discriminating crude drug of Angelica L. related drugs, and used in controlling quality and circulation.



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