An Application of the HRA Methodology in PSA: A Gas Valve Station

PSA의 인간신뢰도분석 모델의 적용

  • 제무성 (한성대학교 산업시스템공학부)
  • Published : 2000.12.01


In this paper, the human error contributions to the system unavailability are calculated and compared to the mechanical failure contributions. The system unavailability is a probability that a system is in the failed state at time t, given that it was the normal state at time zero. It is a function of human errors committed during maintenance and tests, component failure rates, surveillance test intervals, and allowed outage time. The THERP (Technique for Human Error Rate Prediction), generally called "HRA handbook", is used here for evaluating human error rates. This method treats the operator as one of the system components, and human reliability is assessed in the same manner as that of components. Based on the calculation results, the human error contribution to the system unavailability is shown to be more important than the mechanical failure contribution in the example system. It is also demonstrated that this method is very flexible in that it can be applied to any hazardous facilities, such as gas valve stations and chemical process plants.
