3차원 J적분 계산을 위한 자동 해석 시스템 개발

Development of Automated J-Integral Analysis System for 3D Cracks

  • 이준성 (경기대학교 전자기계공학과)
  • 발행 : 2000.07.01


Integrating a 3D solid modeler with a general purpose FEM code, an automatic nonlinear analysis system of the 3D crack problems has been developed. A geometry model, i.e. a solid containing one or several 3D cracks is defined. Several distributions of local node density are chosen, and then automatically superposed on one another over the geometry model by using the fuzzy knowledge processing. Nodes are generated by the bucketing method, and ten-noded quadratic tetrahedral solid elements are generated by the Delaunay triangulation techniques. The complete finite element(FE) model generated, and a stress analysis is performed. In this system, burden to analysts fur introducing 3D cracks to the FE model as well as fur estimating their fracture mechanics parameters can be dramatically reduced. This paper describes the methodologies to realize such functions, and demonstrates the validity of the present system.



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