무경운 담수표면산파에 의한 잡초성벼 방제

Weedy Rice Control by No-tillage Direct Seeding on Flooded Paddy Field

  • 발행 : 2000.06.01


무경운 담수표면산파재배시 잡초성벼의 발생양상과 비선택성 및 토양처리제를 이용한 잡초성벼 방제 결과는 아래와 같다. 1. 무경운에 의해 토양표면에서 월동한 잡초성벼의 생존율은 92.7%였고 재배벼는 4.3%였다. 2.토양내의 잡초성벼 발생심도는 건답에서 6.8cm, 무논에서 3.0cm, 그리고 무경운답에서 1.5cm로, 무경운답의 잡초성벼 발생은 건답과 무논에 비하여 토양 표층부위에서 주로 발생하였다. 3. 4월 하순의 우리나라 중부지역 평균기온인 13$^{\circ}C$에서 잡초성벼 발아에 소요되는 일수는 14-15일이었다. 4. 무경운상태에서 포장 표면위에 떨어져 있는 잡초성벼의 발아를 유도한 후 비선택성 제초제인 paraquat 처리한 결과 92.2%의 잡초성벼를 방제할 수 있었으며, 토양처리제 중 가장 높은 출아억제를 보인 제초제는 oxadiazon으로 53.3%의 방제 효과가 있었다. 5. Paraquat과 oxadiazon의 체계처리에 의해 96.4%의 잡초성벼를 방제할 수 있었다.

Weedy rice has typical characters such as easy shattering, dormancy, and longevity. These characters let it undergo the winter and occur year by year, It is very difficult to control weedy rice once the field have contaminated with its seeds. Therefore, the control method for weedy rice was focused on the no-tillage direct seeding in this experiment. The germination ability of seeds shattered on the soil surface in the next spring was 92.7% in weedy rice, and 4.3% in cultivated rice. The possible depth of weedy rice emergence were 1.5cm, 3.0cm and 6.8cm in no-tillage, wet seeding and dry seeding paddy field, respectively. The paddy field contaminated with weedy rice was maintained as no-tillage, and then irrigated in early spring (April 15). We could induce weedy rice on the soil to emerge with irrigation, and then kill by using non-selective herbicide, paraquat. Weedy rice was controled 92.2% of total emerged by this method. After seedling establishment of cultivated rice, molinate, thiobencarb, oxadiazon, dithiopyr, butachlor were soil-applied to suppress the emergence of weedy rice seeds buried in the soil. Oxadiazon was the most effective to repress the weedy rice among soil-applied herbicides tested. The highest control value was 96.4% as the result of combination of paraquat and oxadiazon.
