비트겐슈타인의 철학과 퍼지 논리 - 언어 사용을 중심으로 -

  • 박창균 (서경대학교 수리정보통계학부)
  • Published : 2000.12.01


This paper is intended to show that fuzzy logic can be understood in the context of the late Wittgenstein's philosophy. It introduces the view of language presupposed by fuzzy logic and parallels it with the late Wittgenstein's view of language. To make the parallel clear it contrasts the views of the early Wittgenstein and the late Wittgenstein.



  1. 비트겐슈타인의 이해 비트겐슈타인의 이해를 위한 소묘 김여수
  2. Perspectives on the philosophy of Wittgenstein The Early Wittgenstein and the Middle Russell Blackwell, Kenneth;I. Block(ed.)
  3. Social Constructivism as a Philosophy of Mathematics Ernest, Paul
  4. Wittgenstein's Conception of Philosophy;비트겐슈타인의 철학이란 무엇인가? Fann, K.T.;황경식(역)
  5. Ludwig Wittgenstein: A Memoir Malcolm, Norman
  6. Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, trans. Pears and McGuinnes;논고-철학 논고 Wittgenstein, Ludwig;이영철(역)
  7. Philosophical Investigations, trans G.E.A. Anscombe;철학적 탐구 Wittgenstein, Ludwig;이영철(역)