Godel's Disjunctive Conclusion

  • 현우식 (연세대학교 인지과학연구소)
  • 발행 : 2000.06.01


This paper discusses Godel's Disjunctive Conclusion in terms of cognitive science and his Incompleteness Theorems from a metamathematical perspective.



  1. Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid D. R. Hofstadter
  2. A Logical Journey: From Godel to Philosophy H. Wang
  3. From Mathematics to Philosophy H. Wang
  4. Logical Dilemmas: The Life and Work of Kurt Godel J. W. Dawson, Jr.
  5. Collected Works volume III: Unpublished Essays and Lectures Some Basic Theorems on the Foundations of Mathematics and Their Implications(1951) K. Godel;S. Feferman(et al eds.)
  6. Collected Works volume II: Publications 1938-1974 Some Remarks on the Undecidability Results(1972) K. Godel;S. Feferman et al(eds.)
  7. Shadows of the Mind R. Penrose
  8. Infinity and the Mind: The Science and Philosophy of the Infinite R. Rucker
  9. The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic v.4 no.3 Incompleteness, Mechanism, and Optimism S. Shapiro
  10. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society v.42 On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungs-problem A. Turing