지역축제의 향토음식 관광상품화에 관한 연구

A Study of Traditional Cuisine as Commercial Scale in Regional Festive Events.

  • 발행 : 2000.12.01


It has become a common things that great capital were needed in the past development stage which infrastructure is primary factors, but nowadays it is changing to money saving software-oriented strategics to flourish various regional cultural festivals and events in terms of the development of tourism resource. it is because not to destroy environments, to harmonize natural resources with its surroundings and traditional events. Its purpose is to give some activities to depressed local economies and develop characteristics of local governments and its inhabitants' benefits for the special tourism products, events. and service enhancement searching for. keeping, and maintaining regional culture as unique and attractive image. As folk festivals are in full flourish, it is proper time to advertise korean's traditional and valuable food heritage and produce a food on a international commercial sale. It is strongly not also connected with globalism but proof an excellent worldwide things. To achieve this papers' purpose the followings should be solved in the near future. and so as to carries culture on food and regional specialities as valuable inheritances. It involves (1) the similarity in food taste, (2) the assistances of governmental support (3) adjusting to the taste of foreigner and visitors from other countries. (4) to participate in cooking process.
