호텔레스토랑 이용객의 메뉴선택행동요인에 관한 연구 -서울 시내 특 1등급 관광호텔 양식당 중심으로-

A Study on the Choosing Behavioral Factor of Restaurant Menus in Hotels

  • 발행 : 2000.12.01


AS the number of tourist has been increased. hotel industry will be able to not be existed and developed if not adapted to the need of customer's which is changed according to the change of Hotel's function. Traditionally. F&B department is enlarged compared to the past. But. it cause negative result in terms of clear profit. A menu is a marketing tool which delivers restaurant's image aid message to customers and communicate need and wants to restaurant. So far, studies on menu have been done in an analytical way from a management's viewpoint and inadequate to reflect customer's need and wants. A research on customer's menu selection procedure is critical to satisfying their needs and wants yield profit. This study examined the theories on menu-design and customer behavior through literature review and verified hypotheses through an empirical analysis. A questionnaire-survey had been used in luxury hotel's main grills and all most restaurants in Seoul. Collected data were analyzed. using SPSS/PC+ package. The important findings are as follows. In this study is to examine the factors that have an influence on customer's menu selection. The factors affected the customers' menu selection of hotel restaurant in the four factors. Four factors are hotel's restaurant of environmental factor. menu-choice factor. value of menu items, information. Correction between the evaluation criteria and selection of menu was examined. All four evaluation criteria, menu-choice factor was found to be most strongly collected with selection of menu. In conclusion, As a study on the Customer' menu Selection Behavior factor of Restaurant Menus in Hotels, It raises to exert us in the menu management of hotel restaurant.
